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From January to March the USS SARGO conducted local operations in the Pearl Harbor area.


On 31 Jan 1969 the USS SARGO (SSN 583) sank the USS STERLET (SS 392) in torpedo exercises off of the coast of Oahu, Hawaii. Jerre Wethington FTG1(SS), a submarine sailor who started out on diesel boats, was at the Fire Control panels when the STERLET was sunk.

Courtesy Michael Simeral
USS Sterlet (SS 392) underway outside Pearl Harbor just prior to being decommissioned, 30 Sep 1968.

The periscope sequence shown below was provided by Mike Simeral, IC1(SS)(1965 - 1969):

Courtesy Mike Simeral Courtesy Mike Simeral
Courtesy Mike Simeral Courtesy Mike Simeral

USS SARGO conducted extended operation in the Pacific during April and May, 1969.

In June, 1969 the USS SARGO returned from the Pacific deployment to receive the Battle Efficiency “E” (her third) and the Fire Control “E” before starting upkeep.

In July USS SARGO conducted local operations in the Pearl Harbor area, including operations with the Japanese submarine HARUSHIO. USS SARGO then went into floating drydock and commenced preparations for an upcoming WESTPAC deployment. In August 1969 completed major repairs to engineering and sonar equipment and participated in local operations.

On 19 Sep 1969 USS SARGO deployed on a WESTPAC deployment. HMC(SS) R.L. Cutlip and CDR Highfill were awarded the Navy Commendation Medal for their performance during the April – May extended operations.

In October, 1969 USS SARGO arrived at Buckner Bay, Okinawa for a port visit then proceeded to Yokosuka, Japan for a two-week upkeep. The USS SARGO finished the year on an extended training cruise in the Pacific.

Courtesy Terry Batka Courtesy Terry Batka
USS SARGO arriving in Okinawa, Japan

Jerry O'Neal in Okinawa, Japan

Courtesy Terry Batka Courtesy George Massad
Terry Batka

Patch made up by the crew for the 1969-1970 WESTPAC Cruise.

The pictures below were provided by Mike Simeral IC1(SS)(1965 – 1969) and taken during 1969:

Courtesy Terry Batka Courtesy George Massad
Dolphins surfing the bow wake.

Dolphins surfing the bow wake.